For Love of Livestock
For Love of Livestock
Raising Happy, Healthy Farm Animals Who Love You as Much as You Love Them
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Learn how to raise effective livestock guardian dogs

Who love you as much as you love them



Maybe you’ve heard these myths about
livestock guardian dogs (LGDs).


Myth 1:
LGDs are stubborn as heck.

The truth is livestock guardian dogs have been bred for centuries or millennia to work with shepherds. LGDs are no more stubborn than most other dog breeds.


Myth 2:
LGDs don’t need training.

The truth is livestock guardian dogs all need training. You cannot just throw a new LGD into the pasture with your livestock, and expect your dog to know what to do.


Myth 3:
LGDs can’t bond with both you and livestock.

The truth is livestock guardian dogs have traditionally worked alongside their owners. The happiest and most effective LGD is one that is deeply bonded to you and your animals.



 The key to raising a lovable and effective livestock guardian dog?

Positive Training Methods.


Hi, I’m Bri.

I’m a fellow (multiple) dog owner and enthusiast, and I raise livestock in rural Idaho.

My mission is to provide livestock guardian dog owners (or wanna-be owners) with everything they need to know about livestock guardian dog care. I’m here to help you train your farm dogs through positive methods.



Want both a dog who listens and who is your best friend?


Then you need to learn how to train your dog using positive training methods.

Livestock guardian dogs are most easily trained when they are treated with love and respect. They need a training program where they feel like an equal partner. Learn how with my free LGD training guide.
